Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Dream Entry 1

Last night was two different dreams. The first time that I went to sleep, I had to keep on waking up, due to a reoccuring nightmare. The second dream was extremely less significant, though it, too, will be mentioned here.

For the first dream, it started off the same way every time. I was sitting in a room where everything around me was black. There were no windows. It was hot, but peaceful. I saw a light come on from beyond my doorway, as it snuck through the cracks of the door. I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it up into this horrendously white hallway. Everything was white....with one exception. In this hallway were the bodies of my close friends and my family. They were all mutilated almost to the point where I could not recognize them. I walked down this hallway, my shoes collecting the blood of my loved ones onto them, trying to avoid touching the walls, which were also covered in blood. I felt panicked in the dream. Not only because I'm seeing my friends and family dead everywhere I look, but also because of the stimuli of the white hallway. I finally come to the end of the hallway, where upon I see a door with two bodies crucified to the wall on either side of it. On the right side, there was Veronica, crucified and eviscerated. On the left, there was someone that I just couldn't recognize, no matter how hard I tried. Opening the door, I am led to a bathroom. The bathroom, much like the hallway, is terrfyingly white. There is a mirror here, which I look in to. My reflection is what stirs me into the land of the wake. I see myself wearing a suit, although I'm missing the jacket and my shirt is untucked. My hair is disheveled. Everything about my apppearence is sloppy. What stirs my blood the most, however, is the fact that my body is covered with the blood of everybody, although the blood is crusted on.

The second dream, with a lot less significane, was induced by Melatonin. It was nothing more than me dreaming out an RPG. I think I will leave it at that and not even go into the details, though that's mostly because I cannot recall the details of that one as vividly as I could that nightmare.

First Post....

Yeah. This blog here is going to be specifically for the postings of my dreams and the such. No gut spilling here. You want that, you're gonna have to click here for that nonsense. This blog will be merely to open up my subconcious mind, and mostly be used as a progression tool. Nothing more, nothing less. Leave comments about things, if you want. Or don't. I don't really care.